The Memphis Chapter A.S.H.A.E. was founded in 1944. J.J. “Jack” Noland chaired the founding committee.
The founding Fathers were: Jack Noland, Tom O’Brien, General W.A. Danielson, Bobby Hoshall, June Shelby, Oliver Holmes, Doug Flinn, Walker Wellford, Jr., Buddy Slater, Ralph Hughes, Ed Scott, Alex Bevil, Wendell Henson, Wano Thorpe, Carl Fischer, and Norvell Ledbetter.
The first meeting was held April 3, 1944. Jack Noland presided and Wano Thorpe acted as temporary secretary for the meeting.
Tom O’Brien was elected President. Bob Hoshall was elected Vice-President. Ed Scott was elected Treasurer. Alex Bevil was elected Secretary. Alex Bevil held the office of Secretary for the next ten (10) years.
The Chapter Members that year numbered twenty-one (21) and were: Alex Bevil, Beverly Buckingham, General W.A. Danielson, Carl Fischer, Doug Flinn, Wendell Henson, Oliver Holmes, Bobby Hoshall, Charlie Hughes, Ralph Hughes, J.B. Lammons, Norvell Ledbetter, J.J. Noland, Tom O’Brien, Harold Rees, Ed Scott, June Shelby, Buddy Slater, Wano Thorpe, Walker Wellford, Jr., and Ed Woodson.
In January 1959, the American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers, A.S.H.A.E., and the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers, A.S.R.E., merged and formed the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, A.S.H.R.A.E.
In 1958-59, the Memphis Chapter hosted a Chapter Regional Conference and the local representatives handling the conference were Hank Wade, Phil Hall, Bill Egbert, and D.M. Mills. The Chapter has since hosted the “CRC” several times.
In 1960, Jim Coleman was President and there were eighty-seven (87) members. Today Memphis has over two hundred members.
In 1961, the Memphis Chapter raised $700.00 to help build the United Engineering Building in New York where ASHRAE headquarters was housed until it moved to Atlanta.
The Interchanger, the local chapter monthly news bulletin and publication, began publication in 1966. In 1982, the name was changed to the Paddlewheel Press to better identify with the Memphis heritage on the Mississippi River. It was changed to the Pyramid Press in 1989.
The Memphis Chapter, over the years, has had monthly meetings from September through May, with no meetings in June, July, and August. The chapter sponsors a golf/tennis tournament and a Christmas party each year. Beginning in 1997/98, the chapter began having monthly luncheon meetings and offering presentations for Professional Development Hours (1 PDH/month). The chapter also began offering at least two four-hour PDH sessions in order for engineers to obtain all of their required PDH through the local chapter functions. The change to lunch time meetings and offering PDH credits increased membership attendance at the monthly meetings.
Since the 1970’s, due to the diligent effort of local officers, the Memphis Chapter has been presented regularly with the Presidential Award of Excellence for the Chapter’s Operation.
The Memphis Chapter has been a real factor in the industry in Memphis. Members have served on City Commissions, State Commissions and Boards. Several members are on National Committees, Technical Committees and Energy Committees.